Monday, October 4, 2010

Gumbo !

Autumn weather has arrived in south Louisiana.

And, as I've stated on several occasions in this blog, I'm not a big fan of cool weather - and CERTAINLY not a fan of cold weather.

In fact, I'm already counting the days until our heat and humidity return. 

Which would be roughly 163 days...

However, when autumn weather does hit south Louisiana each year, I find myself craving a good old-fashioned gumbo!

Which I made yesterday as the family all gathered at our house to watch the Saints game and partake of my first chicken and sausage gumbo of the season.

Unlike my dear friend Luann, I will not be giving detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to put together this meal.

(Not that there's anything wrong with that, Luann. It's just not how I roll...)

There will be no recipe offered here.

Suffice it to say that most people create their own versions of gumbo.

Which is likely diferent from my version.

And your version.

There is really no right or wrong recipe for gumbo.

Just figure out what you want in yours and throw it all together !

For me, it's chicken and spicy sausage.

And peppers, onions, hot sauce...

And some other stuff.

But no butter, Luann.

No butter!

Most of the family was on hand - Allyson, Jimmy, Randy, Tanner, Carson, Jennifer, Kaleigh, Kyndal, My Better Half, and I.

Ryan and Conner were no-shows.  They were in Central Louisiana hunting squirrels.

The fruits of that hunt could also end up in a gumbo.

But not mine...!

Topping it all off was the scrumptiously delilcious homemade banana pudding which My Better Half fixed for the first time in a very long time!

WOW!  I'm hungry again just proof-reading this blog !!

There's plenty of gumbo left over.  (Including the bowl I brought for my lunch today).

Unfortunately, the banana pudding is gone! 

But there will be more soon, I'm sure.

Next time, maybe you can join us.

You won't regret it !

Until next time...

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