Monday, May 23, 2011

Death of a BlackBerry

I am NOT a happy camper today.

It's not because I opened the sports page this morning and found that the Houston Astros have one of the worst records in major leage baseball and still find themselves in last place in their division.

For a life-long Astros fan, that fact is a bit disturbing but not at all unexpected.

And it's not because my golf partner and I had a bit of a rough day on the golf course yesterday and lost a two-shot lead heading into the final day of our golf club's Member-Member tournament.

(We did, however, manage to play well enough over the two-day event to finish 2nd).

No, what ticks me off today is learning that the company I work for has decided to no longer support the BlackBerry Enterprise Server effective August 1 !

Now you have to understand that I LOVE my BlackBerry.

Yes, I realize that there is better and more advanced technology out there these days.

But I am a hopeless addict to my BlackBerry !

It is my phone; it is my calendar; it is my camera; it is the device that stores all the music I enjoy listening to.

Heck, it is the email device I use even more than my PC at work !

But, for monetary reasons, The University has decided to no longer support its platform on our network.

Sure, I will still be able to use my BlackBerry as a phone, or to send and receive text messages.

What I will lose is the ability to wirelessly synch my BlackBerry with my office computer for emails, calendar entries and contacts.

Which - for me - renders my BlackBerry totally useless !

So, sometime between now and August 1, I will be forced to choose another device such as an iPhone, a Windows-based device, or an Android.

What the heck is an Android???

I know my BlackBerry inside-out.

I completely understand every feature my BlackBerry is capable of.

I can text, email, and post pictures to my Facebook page in mere seconds.

My fingers fly across my BlackBerry keyboard faster than a speeding bullet !

I can synch it up with my car stereo and listen to all my favorite music.

I can surf the net.

Heck, I could probably surf the Pacific ocean while surfing the net !

Well, if I knew how to surf, I probably could ...

So, this old dog is going to have to do some research and determine which new device I will be forced to purchase -- AND learn how to use -- before August 1.

But I don't have to be happy about it.

RIP, dear BlackBerry.

You've been good to me !

Until next time...


  1. Oh Kev, so sorry. The Chief likes his Blackberry too. He says it's too hard to text on my iphone without any keys to punch. I am a complete fumble-fingers on any device, keys or no keys. But I have faith in your technological prowess, and ability to adapt to new circumstances - you can do it!

  2. Oh and so sorry about the above misplaced comma - I hope we can still be friends.
