Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Smart Phone

I THOUGHT my BlackBerry was smart.

Or maybe I thought I was smart because I used a BlackBerry.

Apparently neither was true.

Due to the fact that my "company" recently decided to discontinue its support of the BlackBerry operating system, I was forced to change cellular devices.

Which meant that, if I didn't change to either an iPhone, a Windows-based device, or an Android by August 1, I would no longer be able to access my work emails or my on-line calendar.

I had no vote in the matter.

No surprise there.

I had been a loyal user of the BlackBerry for the past several years and had become quite comfortable with its keyboard, its ease of navigation through the various elements I use on a daily basis, and its compact size.

Yes, the BlackBerry had its limitations, but for my purposes it was the perfect work device.

Or so I thought.

As of Sunday I am now the owner/operator of a brand new Samsung android device - the Samsung Infuse 4G smartphone.

And it's pretty amazing!

It is FAR smarter than a BlackBerry.

Indeed, it is FAR smarter than I am !

(Which isn't saying a whole lot).

I have now been "on the smartphone system" for the past 3 days and I can already tell that I will come to love my new device.

(Maybe you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!)

It is FAR superior to the BlackBerry from the standpoint of the number of applications that are available for quick and painless download, the size and resolution of its 4 1/2-inch screen, and its adaptability to my company's system.

No, I am not a fan of the keyboard on the new smartphones, but I will quickly learn to live with it.

I DO know this...if I need any help trying to figure out my new device, 4 of my 6 grandchildren will probably be able to tutor me !!

One of the biggest adjustments for me, however, is the SIZE of the new Samsung device compared to my BlackBerry.

Wearing the new device on my hip is akin to carrying around one of those dorm-sized refrigerators! 

When I plugged the Samsung in to charge its battery at work yesterday, I swear I noticed the lights dimming in my office!

I have laid the old BlackBerry to rest in a large Ziplock bag, alongside all its accessories.

RIP BlackBerry; you lived a long and productive life.  Thanks for the memories !

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of your flexibility and willingness to change! You're a trooper! And a wonder!
