Monday, March 8, 2010

In The Beginning...

Until this very moment, I was a virgin when it came to blogging. And I'm not really sure what has caused me to create this page other than the fact that an old friend of mine has inspired me. For the record, when I say "old", I don't necessarily mean that SHE is old. I'm referring to our friendship.

Luann Sims Dolan and I went to junior high and high school together many, many years ago in Houston. Back then she was Luann Sims - she added the Dolan sometime after we graduated.

For the past several months our graduating class has been planning our 35th high school reunion (so now you know that Luann Sims Dolan really IS old - my apologies, Luann)! During this process I have become reacquainted with Luann through the wonderful world of Facebook.

About 8 months ago Luann debuted her blog page ( and I became an avid "follower". Hers is chock full of her favorite recipes, tales from the farm, and - best of all - a smattering of her special brand of humor.

So, for what it's worth, I decided to create my own blog page, Gumbeaux13. In the long run I believe this will be more for my amusement than for anybody else's, but if others happen to enjoy reading what I have to say, so be it.

Who knows what will be forthcoming from this page - I honestly have no idea at this point. From time to time I'll just check the refrigerator and cupboards of my mind and mix up my own special brand of Gumbeaux!

See you soon....


  1. I've melted into a puddle (not mud, just a regular one) with your compliments! I can't wait to see what you've got coming up for all of us...
    You made my day!!!

    Love ya - Lu

  2. You always said you were going to write a book about your life adventures - well maybe this blogging thing will set the stage. I will look forward to hearing some of the old family stories again - with your special spin of course! Don't forget your Grandma.....

  3. Yep, I've already mentioned to Kent that the "Grandma" story will definitely make the blog at some point....!
