Monday, April 5, 2010

The Easter Weekend

It was a busy Easter weekend at the Wagner Ponderosa.

To begin with, My Better Half and I finally found the time to get our yard in order. It's been a long time coming.

Hurricane Gustav pretty much destoyed our yard 2 summers ago.  The trees that were uprooted and snapped off at the base during the storm made a direct hit on most of our landscaping.

Following the storm we decided it was time to do a complete restoration of our home - a process that essentially took us over a year to complete, a project that was essentially finished just a few months ago.

Once that was done, it was time to start on the landscaping.  So My Better Half and I (along with some help from son-in-law Jimmy) spent the entire Easter weekend working on our yard. 

And I can tell you we don't want to have to do it again!  We ended up spending all day Friday, all day Saturday and about half the day on Sunday trying to get it all in order.  Raking, shoveling, weeding, pulling, hoeing, pushing, spreading, and planting took their toll on both our bodies!

But it's done now and we can move on...

While this was going on our 2 daughters, 2 sons-in-law, and 6 grandkids also spent a good deal of time at the house. It's always great having the enitre family around the house - even if much of our focus was on getting the yard in shape!



Son-in-law Jimmy even manged to find time to cook our dinner on Saturday night, grilling chicken and sausage - which definitely hit the spot after a long, long day in the yard!

Now that the landscaping is behind us, it will soon be time for all the kiddos to start enjoying the pool. And the way Mother Nature is cooperating these days, I'm guessing the upcoming weekend will see the pool ready for the onslaught of the grandkids.

I love the spring and summer !

Until next time...

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